on our faith as disciples of Jesus Christ, we offered sanctuary and let them
park the RV on the church grounds. This offer came with ‘no strings attached’
other than be a good guest. They were. After several weeks it was time to move
their RV so we provided a truck and a grant/loan for the RV storage.
the way we helped with job leads, resumes, mentoring, and lots of safe
listening space. Both dad and mom found full time work, repaid the grant/loan
and paid a bit forward too.
it was a matter of finding housing in an extremely tight rental market.
our tremendous delight as the dad shared during a recent worship time that he now
has ‘keys in his hands’; keys to a house – and more importantly, keys to a decidedly
brighter future.
‘hat in hands’ to ‘keys in hands’ took 6 months.
faith in Jesus Christ is defined as “the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
be the first to admit it can be rough trying to faithfully follow Jesus when
the details are too slow in coming …or vague at best….when we’re not so sure
about where God is taking us.
good news is that God’s faith in us does not rely on our faith in God.
Bible, story after story makes it clear that God is watching over us. And God’s
faith in us is because of God’s love for us which breaks down to: God’s love
for us does not rely on our faith in God.
invite you to join us for God’s timeless story of love in our day to day
moments of faith. We meet Sundays at 10AM.
We Serve,