Thursday, November 7, 2019

We took up the story of Zacchaeus recently. 

It’s a favorite for kids because as a short man (like kids are too) Zacchaeus had to climb a tree to get above the crowds in order to see Jesus as Jesus passed through Jericho.

Also, as a tax collector Zacchaeus had turned on his own people; working with the very powers that kept them overly burdened in their daily lives. He made tons of money doing this, yet he was shunned by his very own people.

Something about Jesus left Zacchaeus ...“out on a limb.”

It’s an expression we hear today. Generally understood to be when we’re in a dangerous or uncompromising position, we’re isolated or not supported by anyone else; it’s when we’re vulnerable...susceptible…exposed…open to.

With everything Zacchaeus has going for him, deep down inside he’s miserable.

Would Jesus have anything to offer him?

Zacchaeus hears about this Jesus-guy generously offering God’s loving welcome to all.

And when Jesus sees Zacchaeus out on that limb and says, “I’m coming over!” that generosity continued.

At that moment God’s love became the foundation for Zacchaeus to build his life upon.

If you’re feel like you’re “out on a limb,“ climb on down and come on in. We're  glad to help you set your life's foundation. We meet Sundays at 10AM.

Together We Serve,
Pastor Mike