Monday, December 9, 2019

Between Thanksgiving just passed and the current Christmas season, with all the get together that punctuate this time of year…we’ve probably been welcomed into somebody else’s home…

Or we’ve welcomed somebody else into our home.

And more than likely both.

Have we ever thought much about how crucial a role a good welcome plays in knowing peace? As that reflects God’s righteousness?

It’s important enough that as Jesus was about to send dozens of His followers out into the mission field He tied welcome and peace together (Matthew 10:11-13).

This welcome that reaches out to the other by expanding the boundaries of welcome to all and all for the sake of Jesus Christ.

Because in the birth of Christ this is precisely what God has already done for us.

May the way we welcome and accept others be the righteous example of the peaceable Kingdom God intends.

Join us Sundays at 10AM as we seek the peace of Christ for our world. 

And we'd love to have you join us on Christmas Eve. Our service starts at 5PM and ends with signing Silent Night by candlelight about an hour later

Together We Serve,
Pastor Mike