Monday, July 19, 2021

 “…and he [Jesus] had compassion for them.” ~ Mark 6:34

Have we ever thought about the difference between ‘compassion’ and ‘pity?’

Even some English translation of the Bible use ‘pity’ in the above verse.

‘Pity’ allows us to keep our distance from whatever might be the object of our attention.

We can toss out a casual “…bless their heart…” and be on our way.

Compassion though is defined as concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

As the language experts trace this development of this word over the generations, its origins begin with 'the inward parts,' especially the nobler entrails – the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. These gradually came to denote the seat of the affections."

Compassion is the best place from where our real care about somebody else starts -- just like Jesus showed throughout His ministry.

So instead of “bless their hearts,” that becomes “what breaks their hearts breaks our hearts too.”

Maybe we ought to think more about reclaiming compassion – and less about casual pity?

Perhaps this might the first best step in healing the divides across our communities?

We step out as we gather Sundays at 10AM.

Together We Serve,
Pastor Mike

Thursday, July 1, 2021


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” ~Hebrews 13:8


While it’s been said before, it’s easy to understand “church” only as a building. 

As we get dressed Sundays, hustle out the door, and once inside look around to see who’s sitting where – we can lose sight of the fact that church isn’t something we go to, church is something we are: we - you and me - are the church.

Now as we return to our pre-pandemic style of worship it provides us a moment to pause and reflect.

Shortly after the pandemic erupted, in my first Mike’s Musings I wrote:

“The way we do church has changed for the time being, yet the way we be church continues.”

Looking back over the past 15 months, how we’ve done church has evolved.

From recording ‘empty building’ worship services Thursdays onto a tablet then uploading to YouTube for sharing Sunday mornings, then doing ‘empty building’ services ‘live’ on Sundays, followed by replacing the tablet with a camera and microphone feed in front of a couple dozen folks, and, from there adding Zoom virtual worship also available on YouTube with more people returning…

…to do church has required adaptation and sometimes that came with struggles we didn’t know were there until we came up against them…

…struggles made even more difficult as it temporarily scattered our community.

In spite of this, Prineville Presbyterian has continued to be church with random acts of generosity, through our ongoing support of numerous local ministries plus supporting our denomination’s national and global ministries, and, most recently in providing needed assistance to our neighbors at Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.

Through the pandemic we’ve kept the ministry of Jesus Christ alive outside the building in spite of our reduced finances due to the pandemic.

Also, every bit as importantly we’ve continued to be church in creative ways by keeping relationships among us vibrant while providing support in times of tears and need.

In moving forward, I return to my prayer from 15 months ago which is “the newly-changed-normal has us re-set our priorities and learn (or return to) ways of being better as a community of God’s people.”

Together We Serve – and move forward,

Pastor Mike