As we started our worship time together, my heart was
burdened -- again. This time it was after having learned of the murders of 3
police officers in Baton Rouge. This latest horror comes out of a stream of
headlines that all involve stories with the word 'fear' in them.
Against this backdrop, during worship yesterday one of
our members - a college student - shared about her recent mission/study trip to
Northern Ireland. This is an area that
has known terrible violence for generations. The trip was run through the
Corrymeela Community. PPC helped support this trip.
Her work included learning about the history behind the
strife. It boils down to a taught hatred that's born out of generations-old
habits of fear; and often people don't even know why they have those habits.
It's amazing to hear how quickly this fear evaporates
once people get past the walls that separate them (these are actual walls 20
feet high).
As the fear is erased, so too is the hatred.
Our college student included this picture which we put on
our bulletin. I like to imagine two people who are different from each other
talking...about themselves...about their habits...about their fears...with no
walls to divide them nor are there any to be seen.
Only a free wide open vastness ahead of them.
All of this done in the shadow of the Cross, in the
shadow of God's love for all made real.
I invite you to sit with us. We talk about this love
Sundays at 10AM.
Together We serve,
Pastor Mike