Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 “After this I looked, and there was a great multitude that no one could count…” Revelation 7:9

As John writes the above about his vision of heaven, he had just seen all those people he (and we) would expect to find there.
Yet in John’s vision 'after this' he looks again and from out of nowhere he’s surprised to see all these others too.
In the timeless reach of God’s grace, might John’s surprise also be our surprise as we see people in heaven who we might not have thought would be there?
Trump supporters and Biden supporters as well as those who vote for Jo Jorgenson and Howie Hawkins and Dario Hunter. Those who fervently wear masks and those who are fervently anti vaxxers.
And would they be every bit as surprised to see us there too?
Because as they felt the chill of our judgments it left them wondering how could we ever bask in the warmth of God’s love?
Yet there we all are.
All bound in this radical inclusivity of God we find throughout the Bible where salvation does not belong to any nation or tribe or people or language…
…where all hear the audaciously glorious good news of God’s final word of making all things right.
Join us Sundays at 10 AM as we righteously press on following this election. We're livestreaming on YouTube.
Together We Serve,
Pastor Mike

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