Thursday, December 1, 2022


“The angel said to the shepherd, “Don’t be afraid! I have good news for you,

a message that will fill everyone with joy.” ~Luke 2:10

 I find myself thinking about ‘angels’ a lot lately.

That’s probably due to a couple of reasons; one is our Advent Bible Study: The Angels of Christmas: Hearing God’s Voice in Advent. The other comes as we draw closer to Christmas Eve and its greatest declaration for all time that we see in the above Bible passage from Luke.

My childhood version of angels was typical Hollywood; shimmering beings lighter than air with feathery wings that existed somewhere well outside my earthly life.

However, as I grew older I knew there was more to angels than this…but just what those details were was pretty vague. What did that “more” look like? Act like? Do?

Trying to get a better sense of ‘angels’ I went to the Anchor Bible Dictionary where under the subject ‘angels’ it has: “In modern usage the term angels refers to heavenly beings whose function it is to serve God and to execute God’s will.”

Hmmm…if we’re all given the gift of God’s Holy Spirit doesn’t that bring us within the definition of heavenly beings? And as Jesus Christ followers, aren’t we to function by serving God and executing God’s will?

Because if so…does this suggest God might possibly consider me to be an angel? 

And as I try to understand how this works for myself, then Hebrews 13:2 comes to mind: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”

Would this then mean that our first approach to everybody should begin with us looking for the angel in them too? Starting with kindness and generosity; making sure their needs are met?

Because as Advent prepares us for a Christmas that celebrates the birth of the Christ child, just maybe this will be the first step in bringing the true meaning of Christmas - and not the Hollywood or advertiser’s version - to life in those around us.

Together We Serve,

Pastor Mike

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