Tuesday, August 1, 2023

“Don’t revel only in the past, or spend all your time recounting the victories of days gone by. Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it.” ~Isaiah 43:18-19 (The Voice)

 With a handful of Sundays left until my retirement September 10th, I’ve been making my way through this Season of Last Times, i.e. this is the ‘last time’ I’ll do this…[fill in the blank]…as the installed pastor of Prineville Presbyterian Church.

It’s a ‘season’ I first identified 15 years ago after Kathleen and I made that leap of faith by changing nearly all of life as we knew it – and moved to seminary where we embarked on this journey for me to become a pastor.

After nearly 20 years of worshipping and growing in our Christian faith with St. Andrew Presbyterian (Yuba City, CA), there were lots of last times for us as a couple, and, individually.

And in the very same breath are the wonderful folks at St. Luke Presbyterian Church (San Rafael, CA) who also warmly brought us in while we were at seminary, walked patiently with us as I learned to be a pastor; and, after 4 years there Kathleen and I went through another Season of Last Times once I accepted the call to serve here.

As the end dates to these last seasons drew closer, what were long standing habits and routines took on a growing sense of being precious.

I find myself there again now; and I’m guessing I’m not the only one feeling this.

Prompted by the thoughts of Stephen R.Covey (he’s written a lot about using ‘time’); when we find our passion then we invest our time and energy in it. And because time is a valuable resource then that passion (person, goal, or activity) becomes ever more precious with that investment.

While we’d all agree that makes sense, there is a caution here too; sometimes we cling to the past simply because we’ve invested so heavily in it…

…and changing from that past comes with an unsettling sense of loss which then opens the door to fear...

…fear that distracts us from the goodness that God waiting in front of us.

May we rightfully honor the preciousness of these days – and delight in the preciousness that is still ahead of us.

Together We Serve,

Pastor Mike


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